Project Manager

Our role as Project Manager is to lead, direct and manage our client's project from start to finish. This will give you the peace of mind that your project will be managed by a skilled and experienced construction professional.
The project manager should be appointed as early as possible in the development of the project to ensure the correct structure and systems are in place from the outset.
We will monitor the progress of the project on your behalf and facilitate interaction and collaboration within the project team to reduce the risk of problems or disputes arising later down the line.
Our role as project manager may include:
- Advising on the selection and appointment of the consultant team
- Helping the client identify the roles and responsibilities of the project team
- Issuing information and instructions on behalf of the client
- Developing a project execution plan
- Advising on the selection of contractors and sub-contractors
- Validating payments
- Overseeing change control procedures
- Advising on disputes
- Monitoring programmes and cost plans
- Reporting to the client
- Advising on the transition from construction to occupation